Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Risks of Unprotected Sex among Australian Teenagers Essay

The Risks of Unprotected Sex among Australian Teenagers - Essay Example These contacts will be used as the source for statistics relating to incidence of HIV/AIDS, other STIs, and unplanned pregnancy among young people. Palliative Care Worker Add Details. A palliative care worker will be interviewed for more information about living and dying with HIV/AIDS. Anonymous An anonymous teenage source will be interviewed to get their opinion on subjects relevant to the articles, such as unprotected sex and thoughts on the consequences. AVERT This site is being used as the source of all factual information about the physical effects of HIV/AIDS and other STIs. AVERT This section of the AVERT web site contains real life stories from teenagers who have HIV/AIDS. Some have contracted the virus through having unprotected sex. Secondary Sources Health Insite - Contraception The Health Insite web pages are a collection of many different sources of information. It is included here to show the source of the various other page links. All direct links from this site have been reviewed by Health Insite's editorial team to ensure the quality of information is high. Health Insite - Safe Sex A collection of articles relating to safe sex in Australia. Teen Health Topics - Are you Ready for Sex This site provides advice for teenagers on safe sex and deciding if they are ready to have sex. This will be used to help readers decide these questions for themselves. Family Planning Association Fact Sheets These are a collection of pamphlets containing a... With unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) a very real risk of unprotected sex, my intent with this project is to provide the full facts to young people. I believe that many young people ignore contraception simply because they are unaware of the issues, or because they have not been presented with the issues in a way that makes them real. Teenagers especially always think "it won't happen to me". My intent is to show them that it does happen to people like you. I intend to interview and collect information from people and sources that clearly show the devastating effect unprotected sex can have on teenagers, from unwanted pregnancy to HIV/AIDS. The Health Insite web pages are a collection of many different sources of information. It is included here to show the source of the various other page links. All direct links from this site have been reviewed by Health Insite's editorial team to ensure the quality of information is high. This study shows a high correlation between sexual knowledge and sexual confidence.

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